Mid America Dharma

Thoughts! Friend or Foe?

Bridget Rolens

An Insight Meditation Retreat with Bridget Rolens


Thursday, March 23 – Sunday, March 26, 2023

Registration opens December 20, closes March 19.


Actual Cost $75 | Minimum $60 | Supporter $85 | Sponsor $100.

None of the fees go to the teacher for offering the teachings. Teachers receive financial support for their work strictly by a separate, voluntary donation. You can learn more about this on our Teacher Support page. We encourage you to support the teacher and the continued sharing of the Dhamma through a financial contribution.

One of the first things most meditators notice is that their attention tends to get hooked by a thought that leads to another thought that proliferates into some memory of the past, plan for the future, or some other story about themselves, someone else, or some circumstance of life.

The Buddha taught us a wise view of thoughts. He said that any thought or mental state that arises in the mind is to be seen as it actually is with right discernment as: ‘This is not mine. This is not my self. This is not what I am.'”

This retreat will provide an opportunity to cultivate a wise relationship to the thinking mind. Participants will be supported in their practice by meditation instruction, dharma talks and practice discussions.

This retreat is appropriate for both those new to mindfulness practice and those with experience.

To assure everyone has a safe and wholesome retreat, we ask each retreatant to honor The Five Precepts throughout the retreat. Read more about The Five Precepts here.

For more information read our FAQ, email us or call Phil Jones at 573-673-6713